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Short Excerpts from the Podcast

Ham Bone & the Stolen Christmas Tree or "The Grandma Who Stole Christmas"

Every family will remember that one particular holiday where something outrageous happened. These events happen more often than not in the Swenson tribe. When they had bought the farm, the family went about planting trees for the holidays as they would always cut down their own tree. One Christmas, when Grammy had her own family, they went to continue the tradition. They selected their tree and chopped it down when Grandpa Swenson showed up yelling “NO!” He had sold a part of the farmland… with out informing anyone to the change in ownership, and this happened to be the exact portion of land that Grammy and the kids had cut the tree from. With nothing to be done, they loaded up their stolen tree and took off to set up and decorate. Luckily there were some 60,000 other trees all around the property so this one was not noticed.

For more details and more stories, check out our podcast Two Sven Girls. If you have any related stories we’d love to hear from you at our email: twosvengirls@gmail.com